Classes for mathematical concepts
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cefc::ApplicationClass that contains the application inner logic
 Cemth::ArithmeticClass with some functions for arithmetic math
 Cefc::LexerClass that works as a token supplier for the Parser class
 Cemthp::LexerClass that works as a token supplier for the Parser class
 Cemth::MonomialClass for representing and operating monomials
 Cefc::ParserClass that wraps a std::string and parses it as a number or as a operation
 Cemthp::ParserClass that wraps a std::string and parses it as a Monomial or as a Polynomial
 Cefc::PlanePlane class to draw a function in the Cartesian plane
 Cemth::PolynomialClass for representing and operating polynomials
 Cefc::StorageStorage class to read and write to a file
 Cefc::TerminalTerminal class to manage the terminal through curses
 CEParserTestClass that provides a test fixture for the test cases
 Cefc::TokenStruct for representing a token as a type and a value
 Cemthp::TokenStruct for representing a token as a type and a value
 Cefc::WindowGeneric class for wrapping a curses WINDOW
 Cefc::IWindowWindow class extension for input
 Cefc::OWindowWindow class extension for output