Classes for mathematical concepts
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NefcEnglobes all the classes and functions of the emath text user interface
 CApplicationClass that contains the application inner logic
 CIWindowWindow class extension for input
 CLexerClass that works as a token supplier for the Parser class
 COWindowWindow class extension for output
 CParserClass that wraps a std::string and parses it as a number or as a operation
 CPlanePlane class to draw a function in the Cartesian plane
 CStorageStorage class to read and write to a file
 CTerminalTerminal class to manage the terminal through curses
 CTokenStruct for representing a token as a type and a value
 CWindowGeneric class for wrapping a curses WINDOW
 NemthEnglobes all the classes and functions of the emath library
 CArithmeticClass with some functions for arithmetic math
 CMonomialClass for representing and operating monomials
 CPolynomialClass for representing and operating polynomials
 NemthpEnglobes all the classes and functions of the parser
 CLexerClass that works as a token supplier for the Parser class
 CParserClass that wraps a std::string and parses it as a Monomial or as a Polynomial
 CTokenStruct for representing a token as a type and a value